A Child Friendly Scheduling Project is currently being piloted in Ayrshire led by corporate parent SCRA

The project aims to provide a more personal, bespoke service to every child and young person attending Hearings by giving them a choice about the date, time and location/type of Hearing. 

The project is now beginning to show signs of improvement with 50% of children and young people returning the form. Thanks to the amazing work of the Assistant Reporters in Ayrshire who are leading on the project, in 100% of these cases SCRA was able to provide the child/young person with their chosen Hearing date and method. 

In addition to this, there has been some really positive feedback from children and young people. One young person’s link worker said: “The young person really appreciated being asked and wanted to fill in the form himself. It meant a lot to the young person to be asked.”

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