Corporate Parent SCRA has a Modern Apprenticeship Scheme for young people with experience of care or the Hearings System.

We talk to our latest recruit Taylor to find out more about the scheme…

What made you apply for the Modern Apprenticeship at SCRA?

I initially came to SCRA on work experience which I loved. Then I heard about the vacancy for the Modern Apprentice post. I jumped at the chance and was really pleased to be successful. It is such an amazing opportunity.

What does your Modern Apprenticeship involve?

It has three different parts to it. I work usually in reception or covering virtual Hearings, I also get involved in participation work with SCRA’s Participation Officer and I also study for an SVQ.

Tell us a little bit about your SVQ?

It is an 18 month course in Business Administration. I am really enjoying it as it links closely with the work I am doing on a day to day basis. It has been going really well so far. I normally spend a Wednesday working on my SVQ course work. I also had to do a presentation for one of my modules. I was pretty nervous, but I did a presentation to our Locality development day and there was also colleagues from Head Office, including the Principal Reporter, so I am really pleased I managed to do this.

So what does a typical day look like?

It is really varied, which I love. Some days I am on reception, meeting children and families coming into the Hearing centre. I really like this bit as I get to talk to the children and young people and try and put them at ease. I make sure younger children get one of the Dolly Parton Imagination Library books and I check to see if children or young people want one of the sensory take away kits. I know that can help them relax. It’s important everyone gets a warm welcome when they come into our Hearing centre. Other days I am covering Virtual Hearings reception which means I need to make sure everyone is online. I then tell everyone the rules of a virtual Hearing and then I am on standby in case there’s any technical problems.

You are involved with SCRA’s Keeping The Promise work – why is that so important?

I think it’s important because it reminds me to think of how important it is to make a Hearing as comfortable an experience as possible for a child and young person. I think a child’s experience at a Hearing shouldn’t be a scary one and I believe that The Promise is humanising SCRA as an organisation and making things better for children and young people.

What’s the best bit about your Modern Apprenticeship?

Working with my team. We all work together really well. I love that. I also enjoy working for an organisation that makes a difference. I am lucky to be in a role where you can make a difference.

So what’s next after you complete your Modern Apprenticeship?

I am keen to keep developing my skills and I would like to work with SCRA in a support role, but I am always open to new opportunities.

Thanks to Taylor for talking to us!

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