The Voice and Inclusion Project (VIP) is working with Corporate Parent SCRA as part of their work to Keep The Promise.

The VIP is a participatory project that invites young people who have experience of the Children’s Hearings System to share their knowledge and work together to develop solutions to the challenges that they identify.

The project aims to improve the voice, participation and engagement of children and young people in the Hearings System through both allowing them to take a lead in the project itself and prioritising their views of challenges and potential solutions.

They have identified a number of recommendations for improvement which SCRA is committed to implementing. 

As well as attending workshops with other stakeholders in the Children’s Hearings System colleagues from our Keeping The Promise team spent a day with a group of young people who are part of the VIP. 

Collette Gallagher, SCRA’s Keeping The Promise Operational Change Lead said: “The day was thought provoking and energising. 

“The young people gave us lots of ideas for how we can improve our service. The young people suggested that we have information available in our Hearing centres which give details of supports available for children and young people.” 

Thanks to this idea, we are now working with Who Cares? Scotland to promote their national helpline in our Hearing centres. The Helpline offers support and signposting around finances, benefits, housing, health, employment, education, and rights, lifelong advocacy, and a listening ear to any care experienced child, young person or adult. 

Another recommendation from the young people was that we should develop a Hearing communications kit to support children and young people to participate fully in their Hearings. We will now be developing this alongside the VIP and other partners. 

Jennifer Orren, SCRA’s Participation Officer added: “We would like to say a massive thank you to the young people from VIP for taking the time to meet with us. We are really excited to be working with you to implement these fabulous ideas.”

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