Hearings-experienced young people have launched a ground-breaking interactive Zine.
Produced by Our Hearings, Our Voice (OHOV), the Zine includes animations, verbatim testimonies, poetry and music created and performed by the young people from OHOV, and brought to life using actors’ voices and augmented reality. It also includes ‘Calls to Action’ for change and improvements within the Children’s Hearings System.
Printed copies of the Zine have been sent to people involved in the Children’s Hearings System, including all Panel Members and Children’s Reporters. You can find out more about it here.
OHOV is an independent board for children and young people in Scotland aged 8-18 who have experience of the Children’s Hearings System. The launch of the Zine follows on from the OHOV exhibition and event ‘Hearing Children’ at the Scottish Parliament last year.
To find out more about OHOV, please visit their website.