Have you taken part in a virtual Hearing? Then we want to hear from you!

Anyone who has participated in a virtual Hearing during the pandemic will be sent a link to an online survey afterwards.

The survey consists of just a few questions and is completely anonymous.

Lisa Bennett, SCRA’s Corporate Parenting Lead said: “Since the country went into lockdown, we started to introduce virtual Children’s Hearings. Now everyone attending a Hearing is offered the chance to take part virtually.

“It is still very early days, that’s why it is important we start to get feedback from children, young people, relevant persons and anyone who has participated virtually in a Hearing.

“The survey will give us valuable feedback and help us make improvements as we go forward.”

If you have participated in a virtual Hearing prior to the survey being launched and would like to give your views, please contact your Reporter and they will arrange for the survey to be emailed to you.

A list of local team contact details is available here

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