Some fantastic art work by care experienced children and young people has gone on display in our Children’s Hearings Centre in Glasgow.

Two large windows which face onto Bell Street in the Merchant City are now adorned with a creative and eye catching display of art work.

The art has gone on display to mark Care Day which will take place later this month.

SCRA has been working closely with Glasgow City Council and Articulate to develop another two displays of care experienced young people’s work.  One window comprises of a gallery-like art display of framed paintings, while the other is made up of a variety of record covers, lyrics from songs, cloths, cushion covers, pictures and ceramics.  

The title of both exhibitions is Made With Care which is a project launched by Articulate, and will run from now until the end of April 2020.

SCRA’s Participation Officer Jennifer Orren said: “I’d like to thank all of the young people for lending us their fabulous work for these displays.  The unique range, depth and outstanding quality of the pieces is truly inspiring, and we are so grateful to have the opportunity to share it with both colleagues and the public.”


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