SCRA has published its latest Annual Report for Young People.

Back in 2017, we launched our first three year Corporate Parenting Plan and over the next two years published Annual Reports aimed at young people to report on how we were doing.

This year’s report is the last year reporting on our Corporate Parenting Plan 2017-20. It looks back on some of our highlights and progress during 2019. You can read the report here.

We are now developing our new Corporate Parenting Plan 2020-2023 which will set out all of the things that we will be doing over the next three years to improve our service and your experience of the Children’s Hearings System.

The plan will be published this spring. We have already been talking to and listening to some young people about what’s important, but we would love to hear from you as well! Tell us what should be in our new plan!

Our new plan will be centred around three key themes: Care – Connect – Protect.

We Care by: delivering a service that meets your individual needs and rights.

We Connect by: working with you and our partners to make sure our service is as good as it can be – for you, our staff and the environment.

We Protect by: making decisions to help keep you safe, supporting you to take part in your Hearing, making sure your rights are met and that all the information that we use is clear and secure.

We have a short, online survey which lets you give your views anonymously. and we would love to hear from you. It will only take you five minutes! You can access it here.

SCRA’s Corporate Parenting lead Lisa Bennett added: “We are looking forward to the findings of the Independent Care Review being published on Wednesday. We know there will be lots of great recommendations for SCRA and the wider Children’s Hearings System. These findings will also feed into our next Corporate Parenting Plan.”

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