SCRA is proud to support Care Experienced Week which takes place this week from today, Monday 22 October.

Lisa Bennett, who is responsible for Corporate Parenting at SCRA, said: “We are committed to our Corporate Parenting duties.  We fully support Care Experienced Week and are demonstrating this through a variety of events and celebrations.

“From our work with young people, Who Cares? Scotland and our other Corporate Parenting partners, and we know that young people don’t leave their care experience behind them when they leave formal care.

“Offering employment, development and education opportunities to care-experienced young people within a nurturing environment, and involving young people in a review of our policies, practices and facilities to implement real and visible change are just some of the small steps we’ve made to ensure that we offer a long term commitment to care experienced young people.

“We continue to develop multiple opportunities for care-experienced young people, and work with young people, staff and partner agencies to achieve this.”

Lisa added: “There’s some really exciting events on during this week, and we will be celebrating the occasion by hosting a variety of events and activities, including a fund-raising coffee morning, demonstrating our commitment through a variety of media platforms, and using our windows in Bell Street to display art created by care experienced young people from across the city of Glasgow.”

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