SCRA has announced that we are backing the campaign to treat care experience as a protected characteristic for children and young people.

The campaign, which is being led by the charity Who Cares? Scotland, aims to eliminate discrimination and prejudice towards care experienced children and young people, as well as adults.

Karen Wallace from SCRA said: “SCRA believes that children, young people and adults with care experience should be afforded protected characteristic status, and we are making a commitment to fully support Who Cares? Scotland’s campaign.”

As part of this commitment, we will:

We will visibly and actively support Who Cares? Scotland with their commitment to a change in legislation.

We will inform and influence staff, partner agencies and decision makers at local and national level to support Who Cares? Scotland in their strategic objectives to encourage changes to legislation.

We will treat children, young people and adults with experience of care as having protected characteristic status.

We will review our policies and practice and make any necessary changes to ensure a culture of valuing diversity, promoting equality and recognising care experience as a protected characteristic.

We will provide high quality learning, development and employment opportunities for care experienced young people and adults.

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