Young people in Edinburgh are piloting a new pack aimed at providing them with information about court.
SCRA has put together a pack of information materials to help support young people who have go to Edinburgh Sheriff Court as part of Children’s Hearings proceedings.
Some of SCRA’s Modern Apprentices carried out informal court visits to provide first hand feedback on both the positive and negative aspects of attending court from a young persons’ perspective.
This – along with input from local Children’s Reporters – led to the development of an ‘Edinburgh Court Guide’ containing practical information specific to Edinburgh Sheriff Court and its facilities, and designed to prepare young people as much as possible in advance of any court visit.
Information within the guide includes the likes of the court’s use of airport style body scanners, court scheduling processes, café/toilet facilities and seating arrangements.
Also in the pack is SCRA’s recently revamped Going to Court flyer which explains to young people why they have to go to court, and a ‘Going to Court’ DVD. The packs will be provided to young people and families by the Children’s Reporter.
It is hoped that young people and their families who attend Edinburgh Sheriff Court will find it useful, and help to make their experience of court better by providing them with useful information in advance.