SCRA has published statistics today about children and young people referred to the Reporter.

The figures show that 13,240  children and young people in Scotland were referred to the Children’s Reporter in 2017/18.

Some children and young people are referred to the Reporter on non-offence grounds (because there is concern about their welfare) while some are referred on offence grounds because they have got into trouble with the police.

In 2017/18, 11,268  children/young people were referred on non-offence (care and protection) grounds and 3,060  were referred on offence grounds.

The statistics, which were published on Thursday 25 July, also show the number of children and young people with Child Protection Orders (CPOs). These are made where there is immediate and significant concern about a child or young person. In 2017/18,  there was 619 children/young people on CPOs and a quarter of them were for very young children.

In 2017/18, 9,493 children and young people were subject to a Compulsory Supervision Order at 31 March 2018.

The full set of Official Statistics can be seen in the Resources section of SCRA’s website. If you want to see the figures in your area, you can check out this interactive statistical dashboard.

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