Hi there, I thought it would be good to give you a quick update on how we are getting on with developing Our Hearings, Our Voice (let’s call it OHOV for short!)  We’ve been busy over the last couple of months getting everything in place for getting started to create a young people’s board for the Children’s Hearings System!

The first thing to let you know is we have a new Development Assistant called Sam.  Sam starts on Wednesday 27 June and we will pop a picture on here and a bit about her once she’s joined us!

I have been working on all the policies and stuff that we need in the background for the board.

And most excitingly, we have been working with a small group of young people to begin to co-design how we will recruit the first ever group of children and young people OHOV Board Members. (You can see some photographs from the session below). We’re super excited to get started!!!

We will be putting out more information in about how you can get involved in early July and August and hope to have interviews in September time.  YAY!

Watch this space for more information coming soon!

Jacqui Dunbar, Development Worker, Our Hearings, Our Voice


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