SCRA has produced a new short film aimed at young people.

The film shows a Pre-Hearing visit in the hope of encouraging more children and young people to request one before their actual Hearing.

The film, which is set in our Hearings centre in Stirling, shows a Pre-Hearing visit from a young person’s point of view.

You can view the film below.

SCRA’s Participation Officer, Jennifer Orren said: “I know Pre-Hearing visits can really help prepare children and young people before coming to their Hearing. It can put them at ease and gives them a chance to see the Hearing room and ask any questions.

“We really hope it encourages more children and young people to ask for Pre-Hearing visits.”

If you want to arrange a Pre-Hearing visit, you can contact your Children’s Reporter. Their name and contact details will be on the letter sent to you about your Hearing.

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