To mark the start of the Year of Young People 2018, SCRA has published an Annual Report aimed at young people.

The Annual Report – which you can read here – looks at some of the progress following the first year of SCRA’s Corporate Parenting Plan which was launched in 2017.

The report highlights some of the progress against our six Corporate Parenting commitments, which are:

  • We will do our best to meet your needs and promote your rights.
  • We will give you as much time and good information as we can.
  • You are the most important person in your Hearing and we will do all we can to make you feel it.
  • Our Hearing Centres will be safe, comfortable and friendly.
  • We will work with young people to help get things right.
  • We will work with other Corporate Parents to make sure we are all doing our best for you.

If you have any comments/questions about the report, please get in touch.

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