A plan to give young people a real say in the Children’s Hearings System is one step closer to becoming a reality.

Key agencies involved in Scotland’s Hearings System want to create a Board for Hearings and care-experienced children and young people. The aim of the Board is to ensure that children and young people’s voices are truly heard and that they help hold the system to account.

Funding is still being identified to get the Board up and running, but in the meantime work has been ongoing behind the scenes including a series of engagement jams and workshops with young people from across the country.

The Board now has a name – Our Hearings, Our Voice – which was chosen by the young people who have been involved in the project.

Our Hearings, Our Voice aims to build and learn from the success of CAFCASS’ Family Justice Young People’s Board in England. The initiative is backed by a number of partners in the Children’s Hearings System, including Children’s Hearings Scotland and the Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration.

Jennifer Orren, SCRA’s Participation Officer, said: “Naming the Board is a significant milestone, and will enable steps to be taken towards developing an identity and brand for Our Hearings, Our Voice. Young people will be invited to lead on this and will be supported in harnessing their ideas and developing their creativity.”

If you would like more information about the work to develop the Board, please email communications@scra.gsi.gov.uk

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